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MegaMan X8

Started by Double, March 21, 2006, 04:37:47 PM

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March 21, 2006, 04:37:47 PM Last Edit: May 03, 2008, 02:26:48 PM by Phoenix Magnion
Like I said no logic. I am warning unlike some of my other reviews, this one contains HUGE AMOUNTS OF SPOILERS you have been warned.

Gameplay: First and foremost, Dynasty is probably the worst designed MegaMan level ever, even worse than Frost Man's. YEAH YOU HEARD ME WORSE THAN FUCKING FROSTMAN. That slight rant aside, this doesn't really play like an X game. There are no Heart Tanks or Subtanks, or even LADDERS. Currency is back in the form of Metal's which you need to buy various upgrades for you characters. You take two characters into a stage, X well plays like X, Zero well plays like Zero, and Axl well plays like Bass from MegaMan & Bass. If Alia wasn't annoying enough for you, now there is also Layer and Pallette, each of these navigators has there own uses in a stage. You can also unlock them to play as but they play like the other characters. Which is a slightly good thing as after you unlock Pallette you never have to use Axl. The Light Capsule's return, there are now 8 of them two for each part, you can add them together though for various effects. Combining all of one type of part though gives special effects, like everyone's favorite Giga Crush. Taking a page from Power Fighters bosses use different attacks as they get low on hp and eventually turn invincible for a bit and do a hard to dodge attack. The other stages besides Dynasty aren't too bad, overall this is an improvement over X7.
15 out of 20

Music: Unlike X7 this one has some fairly decent music, while most of it I would never listen to the hell for it, it isn't bad. The second to last boss theme is very nice.
13 out of 15

Translation: Not too bad, I can't find anything wrong with it (save maybe anything Gigabolt Man-o-war says but those seem to be deliberate, seriously he says "Cheese and rice!" when he dies!).
10 out of 10

Length: There's only three fortress stages, which makes it a tad shorter than most MegaMan X games. In addition two stages, Dynasty and Central White don't really play like MegaMan Stages and thus I shall not count them in the length.
12 out of 15

Rehash Factor: Y HELO THAR VILE. In addition the Sigma copy looks like Sigma from X1, they could have at least given him some new coloring...
In addition there is also this:

12 out of 15

Plot: Before I say anything else, the Orbital Elevator is stupid. The distance to the Earth's surface to the Moon is roughly 3.82 x 10^8 kilometers (roughly 237267080.7 miles for you silly standard types)! Building a staight elevator of that length is unfathomable, even if there were enough materials to do so, the elevator would most certainly break, due to the earth's rotation it would function like a pendulum and ultimatley loose slack, falling down. Overall this is probably the most absurd thing in any MegaMan game, ever.

That aside, the remainder of the plot deals largely with Axl and the new Generation Reploids. After theres a crash due to the Orbital Elevator, Lumine the director of the project is kidnapped by Boba Fett... I mean Vile. And more Maverick's show up, 8 of them (why is it always 8?) and you have to own there asses, after beating 4 you find out that New Generation Reploid's have Sigma's DNA! After beating the other 4 Mr. Clean himself contacts you from the Moon, so you eventually go there, find a copy of Sigma and kill him. Finally you co and beat up Mr. Clean and everything is happy,

WRONG, the head of the Jakob project Lumine reveals it was all his plan the whole time and you fight him. Yes, I will say this again as it is hard for people to grasp: This is a MegaMan X game, where Sigma is not the last boss. Let the ZOMGWTFBBQSAUCE'ing commence. Fairly decent, focuses on Axl a bit too much though.
9 points out of 10

Difficulty: A lot of this game does end up being a Metal grabbing fest, so you can upgrade yourself to the point where you don't die easily. A few sections of the game are a tad on the cheesy side, Inferno, Dynasty, and Sigma's Palace come to mind. You get use to it after a while I guess.
12 out of 15

Total: 83/100 = 83 %

Overall not to bad save Dynasty that was stupid.

Postive: The random CutMan Cameo.

Negative: Dynasty


You could read that review, or watch this movie which pretty much summarizes everything he just said:
