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MegaMan & Bass

Started by Double, March 21, 2006, 03:06:46 PM

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March 21, 2006, 03:06:46 PM Last Edit: June 19, 2006, 07:44:39 PM by Double

Chronologically set after MegaMan 8, this game did seem to go over most people's heads. Originally released on the SNES in 1998 in Japan (yes 1998) this game did not make it to America until a port for the Game Boy Advance. For that reason I shall be grading the port. Another odd fact was this was originally planned to be a game with only Bass, MegaMan was added by popular demand, hence the reason the stages are slightly harder with him.

Gameplay: Basically MM&B is MegaMan 8 Part II, it takes most of the things you see in MegaMan 8 and altered them, increasing the difficulty and changing the gameplay slightly. The stage selection works slightly different in the fact you start with a choice of three bosses and it branches out depending on which ones you defeat, while no real big deal, it is still kind of silly. The currency system from MegaMan 7 is back so no more of Roll's stupid 8 item max shit. In addition, MM&B features CD's in the first 9 stages that feature information about various MegaMan characters, including the Wily War's bosses, the Rock killers, Quint and the Stardroids in addition to your classic MM1 - MM8 bosses. Overall a fairly decent game, the gameplay is slightly better as Bass though.
18 out of 20

Music: Given I am rating the Game Boy Advance version, the music is a tad grainy, but not too bad. Although it isn't really memorable it still is fairly decent.
14 out of 15

Translation: Some of the CD's have minor typos, and it should be noted that Mercury, not ToadMan is a Communist (WHERE IS YOUR GOD NOW NEON?!).
8 out of 10

Length: You'll have to play through the game once with both characters to unlock everything, so it's pretty decent here. The second King stage is absurdly long.
15 out of 15

Rehash Factor: TenguMan and AstroMan return as bosses, for no good reason really. Green Devil is the sad intro boss, and Drop Penguin also makes a brief appearance alongside a monkey as the first Fortress Boss. Although TenguMan and AstroMan have fairly new attack patterns, it's still a lame cop-out.
11 out of 15

Plot: A mysterious robot built by Wily, King, has stole his bots and you have to stop him. Ok, that makes some sense I guess, but come on, how many games has Wily pulled this shit. It makes even less sense when you are Bass. At least Dr. Fudd ain't in this.
7 out of 10

Difficulty: Probably one of the harder Classic Series games due to the absurd length of the second King Stage. In addition using MegaMan in this game is asking for pain.
10 out of 15

Total: 83/100 = 83 %

Ouch just one point under tying with MegaMan 8.

Positive: The CD's have some cool information about the Robot Masters, i.e. FireMan's favorite hobby is camping... in the woods... if you don't get the joke you are stupid.

Negative: The rehash of TenguMan and AstroMan for no good reason.