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ITT: Mega Man Stuff

Started by UHMEEEEBA, August 15, 2012, 10:37:08 PM

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Yeah I heard about that. Pretty sad when COJ has an idea so bad that COA just says, "No."

Just try to keep things peaceful.


Not to mention COA was the one that put all the support behind SFxMM even if it ended up being mediocre. At least they updated it with a password function a few weeks back.

Brandy Bogard



Just try to keep things peaceful.


We sort of knew that months ago when the lead artist said the same thing. Just took this long for the company making it to say so.


March 15, 2013, 03:16:19 AM #51 Last Edit: March 15, 2013, 03:18:18 PM by Jango
George Bush Capcom doesn't care about black people non-Japanese Asians.


Capcom had very little to do with the production of Rockman Online, they basically just cashed the licensing check.

Neowiz was the company making it and they had a massive downsizing while Rockman Online was in production and moved their focus to social games, the game being cancelled was probably because they simply couldn't make a profit off it anymore.


So there's apparently a new Mega Man game in development.

That's all we know at this time.


Also Duck Tales by WayForward


April 09, 2013, 09:30:00 PM #56 Last Edit: April 09, 2013, 09:33:49 PM by Jesuszilla
lmfao what the hell is this

It's like if they got that guy who made that Mega Man X machinima to design a game and this is what he came up with. Then they decided halfway through it had to be like Metroid Prime and we got this.

Just try to keep things peaceful.


It was being made by Retro Studios former employees so yeah not too far off. Minus any of the charm that made the Prime games more than just a generic FPS though. The whole thing was Inafune's idea back in 2010 shortly before he quite Capcom. Between that and DmC (which was also his idea) I think it's safe to say the man was taking his western obsession too fucking far.

In other Mega Man news today, this is still happening for some reason.

Sonic/Mega Man - When Worlds Collide Trailer


So wait... the guy who was responsible for stopping a LOT of retarded shit from entering Street Fighter (and possibly Darkstalkers) was responsible for... THAT thing and DmC?

Fucking Christ, he's a reverse weeaboo.

Just try to keep things peaceful.


Quote from: UHMEEEEBA on April 09, 2013, 09:50:34 PMIn other Mega Man news today, this is still happening for some reason.
Well, after seeing 1:16, I'm confident that, at the very least, a computer room will be involved.