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We're doomed

Started by The_None, May 25, 2008, 10:15:00 AM

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You know, the reason why the SOPA/ACTA blackout "succeded" also stems from the fact that a certain group didn't assault anything during the blackout, only after it, after Megaupload was killed. Meanwhile on today's Polish ACTA "blackout" polish script kiddies assaulted plentiful of govermental sites etc.

The result? not only the polish goverment still insists on signing this shit, the minister of "digitalization" who initially warned about the thing is now siding with the ACA.

Good job, Poland. You fucking ruin everything you touch. Every. Single. Thing*. As if I wasn't outright ashamed to be a Pole myself to the point that the prospect of not being able to move out of this Iran of Europe thanks to inevitable border searches the ACTA would impose on this world.
* - maybe aside from video games and death metal, but that wouldn't matter soon anyway, especially not after this shit and how the EURO 2012 would peform.

EDIT:IT GETS EVEN WORSE. the goverment is thinking to bring up a state of emergency over the polish netizens not knowing better than to hack govermental sites. I just....

I think my days are indeed numbered.

Quote from: Aformentioned Minister of "Digitalization"We can't not sign the ACTA. It's too late for that
At this point someone please dump the "We're not doomed" thread. Seriously.


No. In the end, there's always SOME chance of hope, however small. I like to think it's hope that keeps us going.

Just try to keep things peaceful.


January 26, 2012, 04:12:28 AM #347 Last Edit: January 26, 2012, 04:14:55 AM by The_None
I still see no reason at all to trust "hope", definately not after I just found out that last year the polish goverment have passed an legislation that would allow the Supreme Chamber of Control to collect every single data about it's citizens. Sexual preference, race, faith, political affilation, addiction state, health state and even genetic code. And it will start doing that this June.
No wonder the polish protests didn't do jack shit when the current goverment just doesn't give a fuck and signed the ACTA anyway. And it certainly won't be the last time hope would backstab us.


ive always thought about how keeping this thread up for 4 years required a certain sort of "dedication" well thats my contribution live long and prosper

Brandy Bogard

January 28, 2012, 06:08:50 PM #349 Last Edit: January 28, 2012, 06:12:48 PM by Brandy Bogard


Even with certain bills being in a kind of peril (especially the very treaty that inspired this very thread in a first place), we must carry on being aware.
Internet Surveillance Bill, WORSE Than SOPA: Explained


We're not doomed. End of story.


Just try to keep things peaceful.