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Original the Character Released

Started by Tylor the Golden Yoshi, September 20, 2011, 07:32:50 PM

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Tylor the Golden Yoshi

September 20, 2011, 07:32:50 PM Last Edit: December 26, 2011, 03:52:01 PM by Tylor the Golden Yoshi
Original the Character. Do not steal.

On a more serious note, yes, this is my fursona. And you will quickly see that he stole a lot of moves. I expect actual feedback to go along with you jokes/bashing thing.
I'm not grump at all.

Brandy Bogard


Tylor the Golden Yoshi

Why should it matter?
Anyway, the topic is the character at hand, not whether or not I should be here.
I'm not grump at all.


Tylor the Golden Yoshi

Please! Have the topic be the character at hand! I need feedback.
I'm not grump at all.


Quote from: Brandy Bogard on September 21, 2011, 03:36:29 PM
Why are you still here?
Be nice.

Welcome to Trinity MUGEN, Tylor the Hedgehog. Enjoy your stay.

To get this topic back on track, might test in a bit.

Just try to keep things peaceful.

Tylor the Golden Yoshi

I'm not grump at all.

Tylor the Golden Yoshi

Lance has been updated! He gained a throw, his uppercut has been tweaked, and there are various other fixes.
I'm not grump at all.


October 01, 2011, 05:03:59 PM #8 Last Edit: October 01, 2011, 05:07:48 PM by Jesuszilla

  • CLSNs are awful, don't do that thing where you have a thin CLSN on the leg; stance should really only have 2 CLSNs, one for the body, one for the head.
  • CLSNs are too complicated; look at CLSNs from actual games like KoF for reference (if you need accurate KoF characters, they're in our downloads section as Vans, KoopaKoot, and KOD have made the best out there with what they've done)
  • Infinite with QCB+LK
  • Semi-infinite with uppercut, QCF+P, repeat (LP does the most damage though). The only thing preventing it from being a true infinite is MUGEN's terrible handling of juggling. Best to make your own juggle system using a variable.
  • CvS2 slice sound on f+HP >_<
  • NES fire? The fuck?
  • QCB+LK never KOs the opponent
  • Super does pissant damage despite being unsafe as hell to use since you're wide open for a counter the entire time. It's pretty much pointless.
  • Regular throw gives life back to the opponent


Just try to keep things peaceful.


October 01, 2011, 05:14:17 PM #9 Last Edit: October 01, 2011, 05:17:10 PM by The_None
Speaking of f+ basic moves, are you sure that close normal versions are supposed to come out with forward being held on?

And to say S.LP and S.HP have sloppy aerial hitvels would be an understatement. Wouldn't it hurt you to at least give them the same aerial hitvels you gave S.LK/S.HK?


Therio2 seems like eh cool guy and doesn't afraid of anything.

Tylor the Golden Yoshi

Lance has been updated again.
Now, for some things that weren't fixed:
Quote from: Jesuszilla on October 01, 2011, 05:03:59 PM

  • CLSNs are awful, don't do that thing where you have a thin CLSN on the leg; stance should really only have 2 CLSNs, one for the body, one for the head.
  • CLSNs are too complicated; look at CLSNs from actual games like KoF for reference (if you need accurate KoF characters, they're in our downloads section as Vans, KoopaKoot, and KOD have made the best out there with what they've done)
  • Infinite with QCB+LK
  • Semi-infinite with uppercut, QCF+P, repeat (LP does the most damage though). The only thing preventing it from being a true infinite is MUGEN's terrible handling of juggling. Best to make your own juggle system using a variable.
  • CvS2 slice sound on f+HP >_<
  • NES fire? The fuck?
  • QCB+LK never KOs the opponent
  • Super does pissant damage despite being unsafe as hell to use since you're wide open for a counter the entire time. It's pretty much pointless.
  • Regular throw gives life back to the opponent


I will fix his clsn. I was basing my animations on Juano16's Soul Ninja UMK3, which was where the SFF file came from.
I guess Telekinetic Slam will no longer be allowed to hit aerial opponents.
If I knew how, I would have already made a custom juggling system.
Telekinetic Slam never KOs opponents? It does on my end.
I will add in two more hits, and see where it goes from there.
Ugh, forgot to add the "-" sign to the targetlifeadd controller.

Quote from: The_None on October 01, 2011, 05:14:17 PM
Speaking of f+ basic moves, are you sure that close normal versions are supposed to come out with forward being held on?

And to say S.LP and S.HP have sloppy aerial hitvels would be an understatement. Wouldn't it hurt you to at least give them the same aerial hitvels you gave S.LK/S.HK?

From most creations I've had that used close normal moves, it was like that. Plus, I prefer it like that.

S. LP and S. HP do have the same aerial hitvels as the kicks.
I'm not grump at all.


If you do it as "fwd" you can do it both by tapping forward and by holding forward; it's pretty much a win-win way of doing it.

Just try to keep things peaceful.

Tylor the Golden Yoshi

Lance has been updated. He has a new finisher system, and more comboing options. Waiting for feedback.
I'm not grump at all.

Tylor the Golden Yoshi

Lance has been reuploaded. Hope it works this time.
I'm not grump at all.