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MegaMan: Battle Network 5: Team ProtoMan and Team Colonel

Started by Double, April 25, 2006, 03:12:31 PM

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April 25, 2006, 03:12:31 PM Last Edit: May 03, 2008, 02:18:09 PM by Phoenix Magnion

After the train wreck that was Battle Network 4, and the cheesiness that was Real Operation,  this game had a lot of ground to try and make up for it. Emphasis on the word try. This is rating the GBA versions, I know about the DS compilation thingy. I may review that someday, but not today.

Gameplay: All of BN4's shit returns save the tournament system. That means, the Souls, Navi Customizer, and all the other BN shit you are familiar with is back. In addition Capcom added in a new thing to try and make you buy the game. Liberate Missions, where you use MegaMan, and some other navis on your team to fight viruses and get closer to the navi in the area, called a Darkloid (WTF?). This is done turn based and each of your characters have their own usage, such as ShadowMan's ability to walk over panels you have cleared yet, and NapalmMan's ability to blow 6 panels to hell at once. While Capcom did put effort into it, it's largely luck based and seems highly out of place. Regardless, at least the Tournament system is dead.
14 out of 20

Music: Much better than BN4's they sort of put effort into this. While it's still not Mozart, at least your ears ain't going bleed this time.
12 out of 15

Translation: Well...

... it's as bad as BN4. It should also be pointed out for space related reasons two area's in the game were removed, one in the Ship's computer and one in the Pagoda network, there items were moved elsewhere. The homepages of the other characters were also toned down for space related reasons too.
.5 out of 10

Length: The ****ing tournament system is gone! So you can get everything in one play through, YAY. It's actual length with the scenarios is more close to the earlier BN games, with the area's with the puzzle's and shit. There is also a secret area in this game, and not like the Diet secret area in BN4, this one actually has shit in it.
12 out of 15

Rehash Factor: ACDC is the same as presented in BN4 (with the exception of the shop having expanded). Both versions rehash ShadeMan, largely for that stupid Botaki crossover. In addition Team ProtoMan recycles the following: ProtoMan, MagnetMan, SearchMan, and NapalmMan (nice plothole btw, he had no operator in BN2 and now he magically has one). Team Colonel recycles the following: KnightMan, ShadowMan, ToadMan, and NumberMan. Unlike BN4 however, both games only have about 6 new Navi bosses, and of those most of them are contest winners... which is quite bad.
5 out of 15

Plot: This one annoys me. The plot is that Regal has found out about another one of your grandpa's projects that can be used to be destroy the world... didn't we already do this in Battle Network 3? That's right we did. Jeez, one of these days there's going to be a game in which the bad guy tries to use one of your grandpa's articles of clothing as apparently all he touches becomes a tool of mass destruction. Having said that, it is also revealed another Doctor assisted your gramps in this project... with pointy hair. Finally, as a bit of annoyance, in order to get the full plot at the end, you'll have to play both versions.
5 out of 10

Difficulty: The final boss is annoying, and the Ninja network area is tedious. That's about it really. Oh, I suppose if you absolutely can't plan ahead, Liberate Missions could become annoying.
11 out of 15

Total: 59.5/100 = 59.5 %

BN4's legacy lives on.

Positive: Uh... in Colonel you can play as ToadMan.

Negative: Colonel... if they make a Double heads will roll.


I heard some strange rumor that the DS version would be rated soon, is this true Mr. DHIOAS?

I also heard you were in an alliance with John the Baptist and Patrick Duffy, what do you to say to this?