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Cat O' 9 Tails

Started by Neon_Tiger, March 31, 2009, 10:43:54 PM

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March 31, 2009, 10:43:54 PM Last Edit: April 02, 2009, 09:16:44 PM by The End
Disclaimer: Due to personal reasons I don't get to work on MUGEN much anymore, that is why this is an EXTREME beta with several notable problems in it, please keep this in mind. The download is at the bottom of this post as an attachment. However before you download it, I request you agree to obey the following:

1. You will not announce this release on any other MUGEN website.

1 a. However if you decide to make a youtube video with CO'9T, I would appreciate if you would link to Trinity MUGEN in the videos description.

2. You will not nominate this release for any MUGEN related awards, unless I myself give permission in the particular set of awards, as the whole concept is a laughable farce.

2 a. Likewise I expect people who run MUGEN related awards not to put this release on the ballot.

3. You will not host this on any other site. This includes Mediafire and its ilk.

4. You will keep in mind that this release is not open source, it is closed and if you wish to use anything in it, please contact me first so I can tell you no.

5. You will listen to this:

My April Fools release this year is another boss character/mini-game, this time Cat O' 9 Tails from Donkey Kong Country 2. Yes, a random stage enemy from a SNES game. Just be glad I didn't go with plan A. To make a long story short he tries to throw you and summons dudes to kill you every now and then. Also he has achievements, yes achievements in a MUGEN character.

As you can clearly see CO'9T is compatible with the KOFXI lifebars. The download is in the characters section of Trinity MUGEN.

For more details about this character (essentially an extended readme), some questions you may have that I'll answer, known issues and a list of achievements see my next post in this thread.


Known Issues:
Counter throwing helpers will create a CO'9T clone, a failsafe was added to deal with this.

If you kill CO'9T when he throws you, you may get thrown anyways. Another failsafe was implemented to deal with this.

Achievements that play after CO'9T dies will fuck up Simul mode. My suggestion, don't use simul mode.

CO'9T is a boss type character, although unlike Slot Machine he could care less about whether or not you've hit him he'll still attack anyways. If you hit him though he takes damage, straight to his health bar, none of that hidden hit point bullshit this time around. Hit him enough and he'll die, seems simple enough but CO'9T has several things going on for him to make things more painful for you.

First of which is his own attack pattern, he will spin at you, grab you and then throw you causing moderate damage. This is more intimidating then it sounds as hitting him only slows him down it won't cancel his attack. After spinning for too much CO'9T gets dizzy and has to sit down, which gives you some time to hit him.

Or well it would if it weren't for the fact that during this time he will summon one of 14 helpers to try and fuck you up. It is strongly recommended you kill this helper during this period. These guys span all three SNES Donkey Kong games, but come from mostly DKC2. Further sometimes killing them will net you an item you can use to restore health. However you do have some things to your advantage.
-CO'9T cannot summon a helper at the start of the round.
-With the exception of one helper, CO'9T will not summon another one if one is already on the field.
-Some helpers run away after they are off the screen... some however will actively seek you out!

CO'9T also has a super bar that rises slowly by itself in addition to any power you might end up giving him. When it reaches 1, his maximum power, during his next break instead of summoning one of his 14 friends he will instead summon Kloak that can do one of five of things randomly... two of which aren't anything to sneeze at.

In an attempt to make CO'9T somewhat interesting to fight, he also has achievements. These are really only for fun, as it is impossible to get all of them in a standard two round match. Now you have two choices for these, I'm just going to post all the names here, if you want to figure out how to get any of them you can open his .sff in whatever .sff editor you so like.

... what you know what achievements are right? You don't? Well then watch this instructional video:

With that out the way here are the achievement names:
Seriously Two to Save?
Clock out
Wait what the fuck
Fusion Rant
Generous to Insects
Flawless Victory
Insert Pointy Eared Joke Here
I have fury!
Not to be confused for a Mario Enemy
Redundant Spy Checker
Excellent Dodger
Boomerang Lost (Freebie, see above)
Bonus Stage
Obviously Played DKC2
Screw the rules I have money!
Stock Comedy
Quick Draw C
Sub Tanked
Hat Trick
Oli, Oli, Olio
FireMan.EXE Syndrome
Close Match
Show Off

Some of these will show up after CO'9T is killed as stated in the known bugs section these create an issue in simul, oh well.

There may be some more achievements but they're so rare I wouldn't list them here if they actually existed.

And because I've pretty much ALWAYS done this for my releases, here's some questions I made up that you might have about CO'9T:

Q: Why CO'9T?
A: Well it all started in the SPAM thread, as a part of a strange nefarious revenge plot wherein some paid James "TMF" tried to get me to date a sadist who was known to have a Cat O' Nine Tails (a type of whip). Because Slot Machine already had Kloak it gave me the inspiration to put Cat O' 9 Tails from Donkey Kong Country 2 in Slot Machine:

For some reason I decided at some point making Cat O' 9 Tails his own character would be a funny idea. AND SO I DECIDED TO MAKE HIM INTO ONE.

Q: Why is there only one DKC3 enemy?
A: Because most of the DKC3 enemies are retreads of ones from DKC1 and 2 but made harder. In addition there aren't any good sprite rips of DKC3, having attempted to do some myself I know why the background color is the same as a color used in most sprites in the game. As for the rest I was pressed for time, but some might make it into future versions. The only reason Koin even made it in was because he was a convenient way to work in the DK Coin.

Q: Well what about DKC1 enemies then?
A: Well, most of them are quite similar to ones from DKC2, and because that's the game CO'9T is from it got top billing so to speak. Mankey Kong did not get implemented for the same reasons Kannon did, it'd be basically a horizontal version of Kloak.

Q: Why Klaptrap then instead of Klampon?

Q: What about the rest of the DKC2 enemies?
A: Most of them would function similar to ones already in CO'9T due to MUGEN's limitations, i.e. there would be little difference between a Klaptrap and a Neeky. Necky was picked over Flitter because... well I really don't know but it seemed wrong to have Necky Jr. but not Necky. Kaboom was used instead of Klobber because Klobber doesn't really make much sense in a MUGEN context.

Q: What about that random flying pig enemy from Donkey Kong Land?
A: When pigs fly.

Q: And bosses?
A: I plead the 5th.

Q: What about something from DK64?
A: Can I offer you this drink? Even if we were in some strange parallel universe where DK64 A: I wouldn't have sprites for the enemies and B: there are only two remotely interesting ones Kasplat who doesn't really make much sense, and the club enemy which basically behaves like Kutlass.

Q: Uh what's with the file wtf.cns?
A: I suppose you could say it's a reunion party.

Q: Shouldn't you like thank people?
A: I already did in the readme but whatever:

Me for ripping Koin's sprites cause no ones got off their ass and done decent DKC3 sprite rips yet.
Trinity MUGEN people
Unnamed Person
Anyone else involved in the creation of wtf.cns
Tonberry2k for pretty much every other rip.
Sprites INC for some sprites.


Oh wow, this is a must have.  The achievments alone make me HAVE to fight him.


Do you want this in the portal, or do you want to keep it as an attachment?

Just try to keep things peaceful.


It'd make more sense in the portal. This was just done because I can't upload to it remember?


Just try to keep things peaceful.