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Started by Brandy Bogard, April 02, 2012, 08:48:24 PM

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Good thing I bought all of 'em before they did that.

Also WTF


Well Miyamoto never did like Rare's work with Donkey Kong.

More likely though it's so they can put them on the Wii U Virtual Console since that's apparently a different thing.


Quote from: UHMEEEEBA on December 02, 2012, 10:29:35 PM
Well Miyamoto never did like Rare's work with Donkey Kong.
He didn't? Well he can fuck right off. Those were easily the best games in the entire Donkey Kong FRANCHISE, and some of the best games on the SNES, period. Anything afterward sucked. Fuck everything they did on Gamecube, fuck everything they did on Wii other than maybe Returns (which I've still yet to play), and fuck Mario vs. Donkey Kong.

DK64 was... well, it was OK, though I ragequit and never beat it because it got boring.

Sheesh, now I know what's been holding back Nintendo the last decade: Miyamoto. :/

Just try to keep things peaceful.


In general "old people that have too much tenure with the company" is the problem.


Donkey Kong Country Returns is brilliant. There are some waggle controls, but it feels natural and it manages to be difficult without being rage-inducing (ie: it's very easy to get one-ups, which is great considering how easy it is to die).


I kinda miss the rage-inducing Nintendo days, though... really, big emphasis on KINDA. All they have doing that now really is Mario Kart and Mario Party when it's played with friends. But still, Mario Kart. Fuck. It's probably more rage-inducing now than ever before.

Just try to keep things peaceful.


Quote from: Jesuszilla on December 03, 2012, 09:53:11 AM
and fuck Mario vs. Donkey Kong.

Hey hey hey, I will hear no ill will towards the spiritual successor to Donkey Kong on the Gameboy.


To be fair, Nintendo kind of set themselves up for it.

The situation is identical to the 3DS's prior to it's "re-launch".  All the games people wanted at launch are delayed to a few months after launch, and the games that are available aren't really system sellers, at least for me, as well as games getting canceled due to low sales of the platform.

New Super Mario Bros.?  That's fine, I liked the original on the DS, I was okay with the one on the Wii, I don't really want to touch the one on the 3DS, and as far as NSMBU goes, What was meant to be a surprise return has instead become an excuse for Nintendo to avoid it's diverse amounts of franchises.  No F-Zero, No Star Fox, No Metroid, all because Nintendo is too busy building yet another Mario or Zelda title, and at this rate they are wearing down those franchises' momentum by practically making them the only franchises that get game releases.  Will the Wind Waker remake really blaze a new trail for the console?  Would a new main series Mario game really set things up for the Wii U?

How about the third party support?  Which has largely been regarded as something along the lines of "insulting".  The third party titles available on the Wii U have mostly been available beforehand on other consoles, where they've already sold a large quota that their fans want.  And because of this, the third party ports available on launch day look better in some spots, but worse in others.  And the modern gamer likes to take the 'worse' and blow it ridiculously out of proportion, hence the Wii U being "not even current-gen" because Arkham City had a few lighting issues on the new hardware.

However, the fact it sold even less than the 3DS did during it's own dry period is a bit unsettling.  Consumers expect that Nintendo will 'come back' with a surprisingly stellar set of games that power the system forward.  That is, the more core gamer-oriented titles are what gamers want out of Nintendo.  Nintendo Land is fine, but to me it seems like a shallow excuse on some fronts to not actually develop a new game in some of the represented franchises' series.  Especially since ONE of their key franchises isn't even represented, and Nintendo land would've been perfect for an arcade-y shooter starring a Mii if nothing else.  But I guess it was too 'basic' and 'non-innovative' for Nintendo Land to have a Star Fox minigame of all things.

And even then, Nintendo CLAIMS to know what we want, but I haven't seen much evidence of that.  Wind Waker remake?  ...Is that gonna include all the missing quests that had to be cut from the original, Nintendo?  Is it gonna have a reorchestrated soundtrack?  Or what?  Why are we getting no F-Zero or Star Fox titles?  Why are you not throwing a bone to your older audience?

If it's because they simply can't get the games out fast enough, then they should simplify their own development process so that they can.


There was an interview a few months back where Miyamoto said he basically doesn't see the point in having a new F-Zero.

As for Star Fox I think Nintendo just gave up on the property.


I think the problem with the Star Fox series is the question of "where does it have left to go now?" It's an on-rails shooter that'll flop the moment it tries something new.


I think they're short on ideas, to be honest. Kinda hard to be new when it's all been done.

Just try to keep things peaceful.


As the old joke goes, do you really want to see a new Metroid after getting Other M?

I would like to see more in the Donkey Kong Returns field, tho


Interesting one of the closing arguments on the article: "Nintendo not slashing the price anytime soon" - The goddamn thing is $289 in Amazon, what else could one want for a practially current gen console?

Sure, it doesn't have a hard drive, but they wanted to make it affordable for the parents, it's not supposed to be a damn PC with high end specs.

Now, don't get me wrong. This doesn't appeal to me in any possible way @_@  ... I just wanted to contest that line in the article.


February 19, 2013, 06:19:22 PM #74 Last Edit: February 19, 2013, 06:24:40 PM by Jesuszilla
Quote from: Jango on February 19, 2013, 04:21:37 PM
I would like to see more in the Donkey Kong Returns field, tho

Yeah, it's the least they can do after having 2 generations of suck (N64 and Gamecube).

Quote from: walt on February 19, 2013, 04:59:23 PM
Interesting one of the closing arguments on the article: "Nintendo not slashing the price anytime soon" - The goddamn thing is $289 in Amazon, what else could one want for a practially current gen console?

It's really that low? That's nearly half the price most consoles are when they're released. Cost really can't be the issue here― it's lack of interesting content.

Not that I have any hope for the PS4 or next Xbox having any radical changes or games that are worth buying (partly because we don't really know a damn thing about either). Mostly, though, I feel that console evolution has gotten about as far as it can go without going into true virtual reality. I at least hope that's the end goal with the start of touch screen crap.

Just try to keep things peaceful.